Painter: Cinderella Housekeeping

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in Townparks, Wexford, Y35 R6K8 which is located at 80 Pine Ridge. Here, you can see information about Cinderella Housekeeping, their reviews, opening hours, website and contact information.

Our Reasons for Recommending Cinderella Housekeeping

Cinderella Housekeeping is a professional cleaning and housekeeping service located in Ireland. With a business rating of 3 stars, they pride themselves on providing top-quality services to their clients. Their team of experienced cleaners are trained to handle all types of cleaning tasks, from routine housekeeping to deep cleaning and everything in between. They use eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their clients. Cinderella Housekeeping offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate their clients' busy schedules and provide a hassle-free experience. Whether it's a one-time cleaning or a regular service, their goal is to leave every home sparkling clean and their clients satisfied. Choose Cinderella Housekeeping for a reliable and efficient cleaning service in Ireland.

Frequent Questions about Cinderella Housekeeping

Q: What is the contact phone number for Cinderella Housekeeping ?

A: The contact phone number for Cinderella Housekeeping is: +353 89 413 4290

Q: What are the opening hours for today?

A: Today, Tuesday, January 21, the opening hours of Cinderella Housekeeping are 9 AM-6 PM.

Q: Is Cinderella Housekeeping open on Saturdays?

A: Cinderella Housekeeping is open on Saturdays with schedule 9 AM-6 PM.

Q: Is Cinderella Housekeeping open on Sundays?

A: Cinderella Housekeeping is closed on Sundays.

Cinderella Housekeeping Reviews

Cinderella Housekeeping 1 review

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1 review
  • Sharon Eastwood

    Kept changing prices, arrived late by 2 days for meetup initially then arrived early for next meetup. Bit all over the place. Didnt have trust in their reliability to be honest do I didnt take it any further.