Painter: Cooney Decorating

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in Centre, Cork, Ireland which is located at Moore St. Here, you can see information about Cooney Decorating, their reviews, opening hours, website and contact information.

Our Reasons for Recommending Cooney Decorating

Cooney Decorating is a professional painting and decorating business located in Ireland. With years of experience in the industry, they provide high-quality services for both residential and commercial properties. Their team of skilled painters and decorators are dedicated to delivering exceptional results, using only the best materials and techniques. Whether it's a small touch-up or a full-scale renovation, Cooney Decorating prides themselves on their attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. They offer a wide range of services, including interior and exterior painting, wallpapering, and plastering. With their competitive prices and excellent customer service, Cooney Decorating is a top choice for all your painting and decorating needs in Ireland.

Frequent Questions about Cooney Decorating

Q: What is the contact phone number for Cooney Decorating ?

A: The contact phone number for Cooney Decorating is: +353 21 427 4886

Q: What are the opening hours for today?

A: Today, Friday, January 17, the opening hours of Cooney Decorating are 8 AM-5:30 PM.

Q: Is Cooney Decorating open on Saturdays?

A: Cooney Decorating is open on Saturdays with schedule 8 AM-5:30 PM.

Q: Is Cooney Decorating open on Sundays?

A: Cooney Decorating is open on Sundays with schedule 8 AM-5:30 PM.

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